Cup - Purpleheart
We had a few extra sets of toast tongs which were just stored in a old coffee mug sitting on the fireplace hearth. It occurred to me that I could make a wooden version of the mug so the ceramic one could go back with the rest of the collection of our unused-but-not-ready-to-throw-away mugs, thus adding a tiny bit more order to the universe.

This cup (not really a mug since it is handle-free) was constructed using 16 staves of Purpleheart, each composed of two or three pieces and with all pieces separated using dyed black veneer (of mystery wood species). In addition to the universe improvement factor, the project also gave me the opportunity to use up about half of the small Purpleheart scraps I had kicking around - Woah - a win-win solution! The fabrication was a bit involved since the staves needed to be constructed, shaped and glued together and then cup needed to be partially turned before the bottom could even be installed. But hey - that's what they make retirements for.

Material:Purpleheart, Black-dyed hardwood veneer
Finish:3 coats Miniwax Fast-Dry Poly, Clear Satin
Construction:Glued & Turned
Size:3.2" dia x 4" tall
Done:Oct 26, 2021
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