Fence - North
The fences on the North and South of our yard are pretty old - they had repairs due to age when we moved in 25 years ago. I often needed to use 4"-long screws to try to reach non-rotted wood when a board fell off, which happened a few times a year. The back fence came down and was replaced 15 years ago so it is currently of a newer vintage but the North and South while still standing are well overdue for replacement.

The North neighbors and I replaced the fence on that side with a simple 1x6 picket design with tall portions at the ends and a shorter center section. The fence was assembled using screws rather than nails and we selected brown treated wood, which gives it a nice color. After several years that will eventually fade and turn "silver" as the wood manufacturers say although "streaky grey" is perhaps a more accurate description. It came together pretty quickly-in just over two weeks-with two of us working only an hour or two a day. There are a few photos of the construction here.

Material:Pressure treated brown wood
Size:101' x 4' to 6' high
Done:June 3, 2020
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4