Fence - South
We had replaced the North fence in the spring, but the South fence was of a similar vintage of probably 40+ years and was in a similar part-rotted shape. Once the North fence was done we spoke to the South neighbor and agreed to replace that fence as well.

The North neighbors wanted a nice clean picket design and that fence went up pretty easily. The South neighbor said she was fine with anything I wanted so I thought I'd try out a lattice-based design I had in mind which would be similar to the three-section lattice I had made a few years back. As expected, it was a whole bunch more work, partly due to being longer at 130' vs. 100' but mostly due to the more-involved design, coupled with the fact that I was doing this one by myself. By way of compensation, it was at least a bit less costly than a picket design would have been and I like to think, a bit more interesting-looking.

Material:Pressure treated brown wood
Size:130' x 4' to 6' high
Done:July 27, 2020
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