Frame - Pear
I had taken a series of photos with a 35mm film camera and an identical set with a new digital camera to compare the quality of the images. One of them was a picture of a pear in the light shining through some venetians.  Whilst showing the comparison pictures to my mother, she admired the pear picture (and no doubt the clarity of the digital photo...).  At any rate, I decided to make a frame for it as a gift to her.  I used a single piece of Purpleheart since it seemed to complement the colours in the photo. The wood was just milled out to the correct shape and finished.  I used a funky little flexible wooden "X" to hold the photo in.  The legs of the X are a bit longer than the opening diagonal, so the X needs to be rotated to insert it into the frame, and then the tension holds it in place.

Material:Purpleheart (plus Maple/Maple Burl holder)
Finish:3 coats Varathane Prof. 1100 Clear Satin
Size:8.0" w x 8.0" h x 0.5" d
Done:February 24, 2004
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3