Phone Stand
Sue sometimes used a metal cookbook stand to hold her phone vertically to make it easier to see the screen. This worked fine but the stand is a 6"-square piece of formed stainless-steel and is definitely overkill for a phone. I figured I could whip up a wooden version that was a bit more size-appropriate. The cookbook holder had a couple other shortcomings in that it is a fixed angle and also takes up a good chunk of real estate in its storage drawer. The stand would get around these issues by being adjustable for angle and would fold for more compact storage.

The stand is pretty straightforward in just being a flat backrest with a prop to set it to the desired angle. It consists of three thinnish pieces of cherry with a couple hinge points held together with some small nails as hinge pins.

2021 Update: I decided that I wanted to make a version of the phone stand that folded up even more compactly than this one, so I made a couple more with that new design.

Finish:3 coats Miniwax Fast-dry Poly, clear Satin
Size:3" w x 3.2" d x 5.5" h
Done:December 23, 2020
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