Tablet Holder
We have a tablet computer which usually resides in the sun room on one of the tables that flank a couple of comfy chairs. The problem is that the tablet always seems to be on the other table when one of us wants it. The solution to this unquestionably First-World Problem was to make a custom holder that fit between the chairs so it could be easily accessed from either one.

The tablet rests in a sling made of a thin leather-look material and the holder was designed to be lower than the chair arms so neither it nor the tablet would get accidently hit. A pair of top rails support the sling, and incorporate a center dip to make grabbing the tablet easier. I rather fear that this may not be an article with a great deal of longevity. While I did make it adequate to hold a larger tablet, it probably isn't practical for much else. A mind-numbing quantity of construction details can be found here.

Material:Walnut, Vinyl
Finish:3 coats Miniwax Wipe-on Poly, clear Satin
Size:13.5" x 13.5" x 22.5" tall
Done:November 17, 2017
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