Toothpick Holders
I made the Redwood toothpick holder for my father.  It includes a couple contrasting Yellowheart accent lines to add some interest.  I picked up the piece of Redwood Burl at a Redwood forest outside San Jose when I was there a number of years back (from the gift shop rather than the actual forest, of course).  The wood has a rich red colour, and it can be sanded to a very smooth finish.  The other toothpick holder is technically a Q-tip holder.  I used that one at work where it sat beside my multimeter stand.

Material:Redwood Burl with Yellowheart insert
Finish:Clapham's beeswax polish
Size:1.75" dia. x 2.25" h
Done:December 3, 1998

Material:Bird's Eye Maple
Finish:Goddard's wax
Size:1.75" dia. x 2.125" h
Done:March 25, 2002
Photo 1
Photo 2