Bathroom Vanity
We revamped our main bathroom a couple years after we moved into our current house. The original vanity was made from Mahogany, a wood that I'm not too crazy about, so I decided to make a new one out of Cherry. Since I didn't have the necessary equipment at the time, I had the doors and the drawers made by a cabinetmaker - I made just the "carcase". The vanity narrows at one end to provide clearance for our already-small door to open so in bathroom terminology, that makes the vanity banjo-shaped. Now, I'm not very musically inclined, but it looks way more like a harpsichord to me (of course, the guys at Home Depot look at you funny if you ask for a harpsichord-shaped countertop). At any rate, I used Cherry trim and plywood for the outside and Birch plywood for a lighter-coloured interior. To help with access to the cabinet, I used European hinges that opened to 170 degrees. Cherry trim for around the countertop backsplash was used to match the cabinet.

Material:Carcase:Cherry, Cherry plywood
Floor/drawers:Birch plywood
Doors:Cherry, lacquered
Finish:3 coats spray Flecto Varathane professional clear finish 1000 semi-gloss
Size:46.375" w x 19.75" d x 28" h
Done:October, 1998
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