I've always made stuff (usually electronic or mechanical, mostly metal or plastic), but this is the humble beginning of my woodworking career.  It began sort of accidentally; I was cutting off a thin piece of largish wooden dowel for some reason that I don't recall. At any rate, it was a fairly smooth disc of wood, and just for the heck of it, I sanded the faces down even smoother.  When I was done, I had a glass-smooth disc that was completely useless.  Being more fascinated by neat things than by useful things, I thought I should try my hand at another carving, and this web site pretty much covers that.  I had this sitting around for the longest time, and then thought it was lost for many years.  However, I found it about 17 years after I made it, in the living room, under another little decoration.  I don't think that says anything good about the regularity and thoroughness of my housekeeping.

Material:Hemlock? (1.25" dowel)
Size:1.25" dia x 0.15" thick
Done:Late 1992
Photo 1
Photo 2