Knife Handle
This knife belonging to a relative had fallen to the bottom of a dishwasher only to have the plastic handle came in contact with the active heating element. Of course, it melted its way through all the way to the tang of the knife. A second run of the dishwasher was actually required to reheat things and force the knife to release its plasticky embrace of the element. The handle was rather less attractive and ergonomic after this episode but a rough-and-ready fix with black electical tape allowed it to return to service with full functionality, causing only a little visual revulsion in use. Having little on my plate project-wise, I offered to make a new handle for it.

The new handle is made from African Blackwood. I happened to have a just-barely-big-enough piece lying around (for a decade or two) and this seemed like a good application for it. I replicated the shape of the previous handle, mostly modelled from a different knife from the same line that we happened to have. It was pretty much just shaped, sanded, glued on and finished. Slightly more detail is available here.

Material:African Blackwood
Finish:3 coats Helmsman Spar Urethane + 2 coats Miniwax Wipe-on Poly, Clear Satin
Size:5.1" x 0.8" x 1.25"
Done:January 30, 2016
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