Scarf Rack
We seem to have accumulated a number of scarves over the years, and in-season these are located in the front closet, some on hangers and some stuffed up on the shelf mostly out of reach. I made this rack to contain a few of them in a more-accessible location on the side of the closet. It has a half-dozen hooks of fairly generous size and doesn't take up much more closet space than another jacket would.

As an aside, I have a pet peeve with front closet hardware. You can go into a huge luxurious showhome and find in the closet the same cheesy white plastic or wire pieces for the shelf and bar as in a low-end budget condo. Maybe they think no one cares about closets (and that may in general be true) but I guess I'm not one of them. So when this closet was added as part of some renovations years back I removed the white stuff and replaced it. The rod is a black powder-coated steel bar and I modified some cast iron plant hangers to support it. The shelf is still your basic melamine, but in red and with a bull-nose front edge. With some dark red wood hangers it looks about as good as any closet too full of jackets can.

But back to the rack; to match the black/red color scheme of the closet I used Purpleheart for its dark red colour. The grain and surface appearance are also very attractive, and the wood is very strong and hard. The construction was pretty straightforward but involved a substantial amount of shaping, mostly done by power sanding and hand filing given the toughness of the wood. The rack was fabricated from six individual hooks laminated side-to-side with spacer pieces for a consistent vertical grain orientation. Some construction details can be seen here.

Finish:3 coats Miniwax Wipe-on Poly, clear Satin
Size:20" x 2.5" x 2.5"
Done:April 11, 2015
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