Square Vessel
I had been thinking about unconventional vessels and this one evolved out of that process. It's a constructed piece rather than turned or carved - more like a box in that way but definitely a vessel by it's shape.

The original concept for this guy was to join the sides with box joints (intersecting square fingers) so after making the sides I tried a sample piece with, well, less than spectacular results. Turns out making precise box joints on two pieces with variable curves in two dimensions is kind of tough. Who knew? Anyway, that wasn't going to fly so I switched to Plan B which was to make contrasting corners with butt joints. For that I merely needed to precisely match the arbitrarily-curved edges in eight joints, but that turned out to be more achievable than the box joints, which I describe in mind-numbing detail here.

Material:Curly Maple, Walnut
Construction:Carved and assembled
Finish:3 coats Miniwax Fast-Dry Poly, Clear Satin
Size:6.7" square x 9" tall
Done:November 24, 2019
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