Coffee Box
We have a Keurig coffee maker and store a small supply of the coffee pods in a kitchen drawer. This box was made to hold a dozen of them to give us a convenient way to carry them when bringing up more stock from the basement and to keep them from rolling around in the drawer.

The construction is pretty straightforward with simple (and appropriately-named) "box joints" in the corners. The box is made from solid wood which often carries with it risks of warping, but the piece I used was already close to the right thickness and had been sitting around for what I guess was five years and was still as flat as a contour map of Saskatchewan. So I'm not anticipating any problems.

Despite the simplicity, it got a bit more involved when I found that the sides needed to be contoured for a little more width since my original measurements were a touch off combined with the fact that my wood was a tiny bit too narrow. Details of how to spend lots of time making a simple box can be seen here.

Material:Roasted curly maple
Finish:3 coats Miniwax Fast-Dry Poly, Clear Satin
Size:5.6" x 7.6" x 1.1"
Done:March 10, 2019
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