Vessel - Booster
I had added some temporary fin-like reinforcements to a vessel I was working on this last summer which gave it a vaguely rocket-like appearance. I thought I'd harvest that impression and reinforce it a bit to make a more-refined version of the same concept. This obviously isn't intended to be any kind of accurate model - it's instead meant more as an ordinary turned vessel with just a dash of rocket-booster flavour.

The vessel is constructed from a central turning which was then modified by adding six separate support struts, with everything made from Figured Maple. I suppose theoretically it could have all been carved out of a single piece but I'm not that much of a glutton for punishment.

Material:Figured Maple
Construction:Turned, carved and glued
Finish:3 coats Miniwax Fast-Dry Poly, Clear Satin
Size:3" diameter x 11.3" tall
Done:October 18, 2021
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